The Following files and links are made available to the public.
1/ Angus Community Planning Partners have been tasked with bringing together a Local Outcome Improvement Plan for Angus and within this, local outcome improvement plans for each locality. We have gathered together information and comments from various community consultations and have grouped these around three main themes i.e. People, Planning and Place. Comments received have been outlined in more detail at the back of the attached locality plan discussion document. We are moving towards the final stages of putting together an action plan for the locality and we are now seeking people’s views as to whether or not we have this right and we are very keen to hear from as many people as possible. We’d be grateful therefore if the CC members could take some time to look at the attached spidergraph and mark how important they feel the comments made are to them e.g. if you believe that ‘explore and develop a cycle path’ is very important you would place this at 7 on the graph; however if you feel it is not at all important you would place this at 0 and so on. We have also allowed space for people to make comment if they feel that something is missing and should be included in the plan or for any other comments they might wish to make.
Locality Planning Brechin Montrose 4 Print (reduced file size) (2)
Spider Questionnaires
2/ Proposed Public Park Improvements. There is currently no budget for this at the moment however Angus Council are seeking people’s comments on the attached with a view to any future work.
04 _ Detail Vehicle
Gates, posts etc